Professional Ghostwriting and Editing Services

Work with a bestselling team to bring your story to life.​

Bundled Packages

Mini Ebooks​

Need a giveaway book for your clients or an easy way to build your sales funnel?

DWY Books

Have you always wanted to be an author but need some direction and writing prompts?

Full Book Package

We’ll customize your book to fit whatever your publishing goals may be.

Bestselling Ghostwriting Services

Whether you are publishing your own book or working with a publisher, we can help craft a book that sounds like you and puts your best written foot forward. We take a collaborative approach to our ghostwriting, which results in a book unique to you, not cookie-cutter. We customize the process to meet your creative process, goals, and editing or ghostwriting needs. Whether you are pursuing traditional publishing or self-publishing a book that showcases your expertise, we are here to make every word the best it can be.

We include a Non-Disclosure Agreement in our contracts so you know your words are safe with us as you are working on the book and after you publish it. We offer three different ghostwriting price points and packages so that you can find the one that best fits your needs:

Do you want to have control over the entire publishing process? Then self-publishing may be the path for you. We can work with you from concept to uploading, helping you work out your idea, then write the book and edit it. We pair you with our professional cover designer to create a cover that gets attention, then help you with your pre-launch plan. Our editorial team will help you build an incredible book and can assist you with uploading it to retailers, creating A+ content, and writing any additional materials for your author page, etc. When you self-publish, you want to work with an expert who knows the industry well.

We also don’t retain your copyright at JumpStart. If you work with a publishing company, be sure to read your contract carefully and ask about copyright. We’ll walk you through filing for your copyright so that you know your words are always protected.

Need a giveaway book for your clients or an easy way to build your sales funnel? Consider our mini ebook package! We offer two options in this program: editing of your existing content only, or a combination of editing and ghostwriting your material, as well as formatting the interior and designing the cover. Our seasoned publishing experts will help you craft a high-quality book that helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Have you always wanted to be an author but need some direction and writing prompts? Our Done With You books offer the same level of editing as our full package, but with a more affordable option. We provide the questions for you to answer and create the book from your materials. We can edit a book you’ve already written or provide an entire package, including cover design and formatting.

Our full book package is designed to be a one-of-a-kind book that is as unique as your story is. We customize your book to fit whatever your publishing goals may be, and to meet the deadline you set. We can ghost write the whole book, edit an existing book, or do a combination of both. However you work, we adapt our process to match your creative style. This package includes working one-on-one with New York Times bestseller Shirley Jump, three tiers of editing, as well as full cover design and interior formatting.

Editing Services

Do you have an existing book? Or a slew of articles and blog posts that need a professional touch? If it has words, we can edit it and make you shine on paper. We have more than 30 years of editing experience and offer multiple levels of editing services for writers:

Content Creation Services

Let our expert editors work with you to develop the overall concept or to look at what you have already written and give you feedback to strengthen your book and make it more compelling!

Our experienced editors go over your content and dive deep into editing, making sure that the work is compelling, strategic, and professional. We can restructure, tighten, and take your words to the next level. Work with JumpStart to create a book that is just as professional as you are!

After our team of content editors go through your book, we send it to our copyediting team. Their job is to check all the nitty-gritty details. Does this sentence need a comma or a semicolon? Should you italicize song titles or put them in quotation marks? Our copyediting team is thorough and persnickety, which is exactly what you want for a perfect book!

Our professional cover designer and formatter has worked in the publishing industry for three decades. She does all of the layout for the print and ebook versions, creating a book that looks like any you would find in a bookstore.

After your book has been through content, copy, and format editing, we have a proofreader look at every word. We’re committed to producing high-quality books and products, which is why we have an extra level of editing eyes on every client’s book.

After your book has been through content, copy, and format editing, we have a proofreader look at every word.

We’re committed to producing high-quality books and products, which is why we have an extra level of editing eyes on every client’s book.

Author Coaching

Are you an author who is struggling to get started? Confused on how to begin your book or want to know why the middle is dragging? Take advantage of our Author Coaching program and work one-on-one with New York Times bestselling author Shirley Jump, who has more than 30 years of experience in the publishing industry. She’ll guide you from “Once upon a time” all the way to “The End!”

Book Proposals

To get published by Random House, Hachette, et al., non-fiction authors need a comprehensive book proposal that contains a competitive analysis, marketing plan, and high-concept pitch. We have helped people from a wide variety of industries pitch their books to publishers with our professional book proposal packages. Call us today to work with one of our professional editors to craft a proposal that gets your book idea sold!

Editing Services

Expert Articles

Are you looking to increase your presence on LinkedIn or on the web? Our team of editors can ghostwrite or edit articles that showcase your expertise. We have written articles for clients in a wide variety of industries, from rare books to real estate.

We’ll craft a catchy title, an opening hook, and add any relevant research to showcase your expertise in an article.

Speaking Packages

To book gigs as a speaker, you need a professional speaker package, including a one sheet that you can send to prospective audiences and a series of speeches. We customize your one sheet and your speeches to match your audience and speaking timeframe, no matter the size or type of audience.

Owner Shirley Jump has spoken all over the world and is a former national speech competitor who won several speaking competitions. The team at JumpStart will help you write a speech that delivers your message in an impactful, memorable way.

Sales Funnel Content

Are you looking to drive leads to your website? Come to us for engaging sales funnel content that is engaging, personable, and sounds like you. We don’t automate our writing here; we tailor every project to our clients’ specific needs and goals. Let us create sales content for you that closes the deal!
NY Bestselling ghostwriter

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